Author Archives: Jeff NEEDS Justice team

Appeal hearing commences

Tomorrow, November 28th 2011, Jeff’s appeal hearing against his 2008 conviction commences in the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal. The appeal comprises 18 separate grounds, including challenges to the way circumstantial evidence was presented to the trial jury in 2008, … Continue reading

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Jars of Certitude

We don’t care too much when our carefully researched findings are ignored by the ignorant.  For those that want to believe that Jeff is guilty of murdering his parents, we could probably hand them a pre-recorded confession from Christopher and they’d still … Continue reading

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Carbon Monoxide

We have just now published our evidence summary page on Carbon Monoxide (CO).  The significance of this finding is that it demonstrates that Christopher Gilham was alive and upstairs at the time the fire started. This point alone is clear … Continue reading

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Thank you

With the recent airing of Australian Story ‘Bad Blood’ parts 1&2 (still viewable online), we expected to pick up some more interest in Jeff Gilham’s case and public debate on the circumstances leading to Jeff’s conviction. While all of us … Continue reading

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Our findings on evidence released tonight

We’ve started to release our information about the Crown’s circumstantial case against Jeff and the details of our findings on the evidence. While the Crown’s case is not new – it is a matter of public record from the trial, … Continue reading

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